Environment & Sustainability

The Future is sustainable. Our carpets are made to last long and in some cases may be for generations and our duty/policy should be to ensure our environment lasts long too. Energy and resource efficiency, reducing carbon footprint, and traceable sourcing of our raw materials are a part of our production cycle.

1. Water Conservation

1.1 At our effluent treatment plant, we treat the polluted water and use it for plantation and gardening.
1.2 A clever use of reheated water for dyeing the
yarn is in practice which in turn saves us 10% to 20 % of energy

2. Sustainable Manufacturing

2.1 Solar power installed in year 2020 meets 30% of our energy requirement. Solar power thus generated helps us to cut down our co2 emission and save thousands tree per year.
2.2 Use of rice husk instead of coal to generate steam at our dyeing unit reduces our carbon footprint.
2.3 Use of Pet yarn in some of our products. These yarns are durable, resilient to change in nature and have a better color fastness, making it suitable material to produce outdoor rugs.